Fashion Photography for The Cupboard

Freestyle Event Photography were asked by Multi Media magazine to do a fashion shoot for local fashion designers and retail outlet ‘The Cupboard’, located in Ponsonby, Auckland. It was tricky at first, to get my head around how the shoot, as we had to take photos inside the shop and this did not leave us much scope for arranging clean backdrops or controlling lighting.

The Cupboard Fashion Photography

As so often is the case with photography, we had to improvise. We used the changing room curtains as a backdrop for some of the photos and opted for simple lighting bouncing off the ceiling for diffusion and adding a side light using a flash in a soft box.

Photographing Fashion

Later we imagined the shop as a setting in a film shoot and began to be a little more creative in working with the model. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have a competent model for these sorts of shoots. They simply get on with their job, posing, and all you need do is make minor adjustments to poses to suit your look and feel.

Fashion Photography

Fashion Images