Photography for The Front Door Launch

The Front Door Launch Photography 1

Up the stairs at 307 K’ Road in the centre of Auckland City, a new space has been created, and Freestyle Event Photography was there to capture images of its launch.

The Front Door Launch Photography 2

Aaron and Summer Hendry set up Kick Back this year, a youth development organisation that supports homeless youth, and have developed The Front Door Project.

The Front Door Launch Photography 3

The launch was attended by rangatahi who have been part of shaping this special place, as well as donors, supporters and well wishers, including MP Marama Davidson, Waitematā Local Board members Richard Northey and Alex Bonham, Viv Beck (CEO of Heart of the City), and trustees of Kick Back.

The Front Door Launch Photography 4

Freestyle took photos that incorporated the groups of people who attended the event, the presenters, and the space itself.

The formal part of the evening included speeches, several waiata and a haka, interspersed with some informal exchanges. Our photographer recorded as many of these moments and memories as possible, while merging into the scene.