
Freestyle Event Photography provides a variety of premium quality event photography backdrops to match your individual style or corporate culture. Photography backdrops encourage people to come together to pose for photos, which make them ideal as media walls for PR opportunities. At large events, having a backdrop makes it clear where people should come to have their photo taken.

Event photo backdrops can provide a consistent background with no distracting visual clutter. They can also be a convenient way to display your company logo or sponsors’ logos in each photographic image.

Photography Black Backdrop

Backdrops ensure that photos have a consistent background, which can be important when uploading images to a photo gallery or a Facebook photo album.

Freestyle offers a wide selection of photography backdrops, from cost-effective plain colour backdrops, to more expensive boutique photo backdrops such as boxwood backdrops, floral backdrops, and custom printed backdrops.

Plain Colour Backdrops

Photography Gold Backdrop

Photography backdrop fabric black
Photography backdrop fabric white
Photography backdrop fabric red
Photography backdrop fabric green
Photography backdrop fabric blue
Photography backdrop fabric purple

Plain colour backdrops provide a simple, clean background of a single colour: The most popular choices are black, purple, and gold (with a sparkly texture). These backdrops are especially popular for birthday parties.

Boxwood and Floral Backdrops

Boxwood photography backdrops offer textured artificial greenery. They are popular for summer events where guests may be posing outdoors but still want a background without distractions, or to add greenery to an event that takes place in an otherwise dull hall.

Photography Floral Backdrop

Photography backdrop boxwoodBoxwood
Photography backdrop artificial flower wallFloral

A popular alternative to backdrops with boxwood greenery are floral backdrops, using artificial flower arrangements. These are popular as backdrops for 21st photography events.

Custom-Printed Backdrops

Custom-printed backdrops are popular as event media walls for corporate photography shoots. They are typically printed with a variety of logos, such as your own company’s logo or the logos of sponsors for your particular event. These backdrops are printed on vinyl and can be ordered in a variety of sizes. If you provide the logos, Freestyle can take care of the design and printing of your company logo on a photography backdrop as well as the installation of your corporate photography backdrop at the time of your event.

Contact us for a no-obligation quote for your event photo backdrop.

Please note that actual items may vary from sample images.